Unlocking business value and setting a context for sustainable growth in uncertain times.
strategy and performance
business modeling
investment logic mapping
performance mapping
process analysis and optimisation
governance and organisational design
benefits and risk assessments
investment prioritisation
performance management via KPI, KRA and OKRs
change & resilience design
Prototyping and scaling
workflow and interface modernization
team learning and development programs
culture and capability development
business analysts & administrators
financial and data analysts
learning & development practitioners
facilitators and auditors
planners and managers
engineers, designers and scrum masters
software developers
the case for truly integrated cost and schedule risk analysis - Colin Cropley
separation of ownership and control - Fama and Jensen
cross-boundary teaming for innovation - Edmondson and Harvey
toward a learning based view of innovation - Dai
team of teams - General Stanley McChrystal
design-led strategy: how to bring design thinking
into the art of strategic management - Eric Knight, Jarryd Daymond1 and Sotirios Paroutis
design thinking is ambidextrous - Dan-Ling Zheng
the PMO maturity cube, a project management office maturity model - Américo Pinto, Marcelo F. De Matheus Cotaa and Dr. Ginger Levin
how Samsung became a design powerhouse - Youngjin Yoo and Kyungmook Kim